Below is an nice infografic with the 10 Reasons of Why Someone Should Have an Mist Humidifier in their home. The winter is already here and mist humidifiers can be of great help:
1. Humidifiers Helps Against Allergies
The people affected by allergies tend to feel more comfortable with higher levels of humidity. Humidified air helps soothe the tissues in the throat and the nasal passages.
2. Humidifiers Helps against Asthma
Breathing cool, dry air can sometimes irritate the nerves in your lungs leading to inflammations that can determine your airways to constrict. Humidifiers disperse moisture into the air, so you can breath moist air and be less likely to have an asthma attack.
3. Humidifiers Helps Babies
Dry air causes discomfort. Breathing dry air makes the uptake of oxygen and the transfer to the blood system more difficult. Reduced oxygen supply come with tiredness, headache and reduced concentration levels and affects both adults and children.
4. Humidifiers Helps Chest Colds
With the help of a humidifier you can prevent the spread of airborne viruses.
A recent study found that raising indoor humidity levels to at least 43% had a dramatic effect on approximately 85% of airborne viruses.
Moisture has the ability to prevent the movement of germs, as they combine with this moisture and simply drop. This happens because the airborne particles are now too heavy to float around in the air. In turn, this helps prevent the spread of many illnesses, including influenza.
5. Remedying Dry Skin in Winter
Because 50–60% of the human body is made of water, dry conditions may pull moisture out leaving behind dry skin, chapped lips and possibly even bloodshot eyes.
Running a humidifier can help prevent your skin from drying out.
6. Helps Your Home Feel Warmer
Studies have shown that humidified air may actually feel warmer than dry air:with moisture in the air, sweat evaporates slower, leaving people feel warm. Start conserving energy and save money with the right humidifier for you.
7. Helps Prevent Snoring
If your partner snores it is hard to get a good night sleep.Dried air plays an important part in this. A humidified air helps soothe the tissues at the back of your throat so that not only you sleep more comfortably, it can also help cut down on the snoring.
8. Home and Possessions
Wooden structures, fixtures, furniture, musical instruments, photos and porous household objects may be damaged by dried air. A humidifier can be the answer to that problem.
9. Lower levels of Dust
Humidity traps dust. Enjoy a cleaner house for longer time and also get rid of the allergies caused by dust mites.
10. Reduce static electricity in the air
Static electricity is often increased in dry winter months. It can be annoying when associated with your laundry or frizzy hair.Properly humidified air has the ability to limit, even prevent most problems that come from static.
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