How to Keep Your Humidifier Bacteria Free

The humidifier is a useful device that regulates the humidity level of our house. The sole purpose of all kinds of humidifiers is to add the water content into the air. Dry weather can cause multiple health issues like chapped lips, dry skin, allergies. Other respiratory issues become worse in dry weather. Humidifier adds the moisture into the water and helps us maintain an optimal level of humidity.

How do bacteria grow into your humidifier?

All kinds of humidifiers have water tanks, water in the tank is used to add the moisture into the air of a room. While the added moisture into the air is a pleasant thing, but moist environment provides an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. If you neglect cleaning your humidifier properly, it can become a storehouse of bacteria and mold that are dispersed into the air you are inhaling. They put you and your loved ones at a direct risk for all kind of infections and allergies.

How do bacteria grow in a damp house?

Not only the water in the humidifier can grow bacteria, mold and other germs, but a damp and humid house can also grow bacteria. The right balance of humidity is needed for a healthier environment. If you are running humidifier without any check on the humidity level, it can increase the moisture in the air. As humidifier is constantly spitting out moisture, carpet or another flooring near it can get damp. The damp carpet or area around humidifier is also at constant risk of growing bacteria.

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How to prevent the bacterial growth in and around humidifier?

Here are some of the ways you can keep the unintended bacterial growth.

1. Use filtered water to fill the tanks

Tap water may contain not only bacteria and other germs, but also mineral deposits which can promote bacterial growth. These mineral deposits are dispersed into the air appearing in the form of white dust. Inhaling white dust and contaminated air can cause the infections and allergies. The use of demineralized or distilled water can save you from these health issues. You can also use demineralization cartridges or filters for this purpose.

2. Clean the humidifier clean

Humidifiers need to be cleaned regularly. After two-three days empty the tank, clean it with some disinfectant, let it dry and refill fresh demineralized water to prevent the bacterial growth. So a deep cleaning on a regular basis is imperative for the health of your family.

3. Fill in fresh water regularly

Don’t let water stand in a humidifier for too long. Standing water can grow no only bacteria, but mold and mildew. It can also cause the mineral deposits in the water tank. So make sure to change the water in the tank more often and fill in fresh water.

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4. Change and clean the filter

If your humidifier has a filter, you need to clean it too. These filters need to be changed after a certain period. Make sure to clean and change the filters. Most filters are not very expensive and can easily be replaced.

5. Keep the area around the humidifier dry

Keep an eye on the area around humidifier. The humidifier is constantly emitting water vapors into the air which can damp the area around humidifiers. Wipe off the extra moisture and keep the area dry to prevent the bacterial growth.

6. Use a hygrometer

As we have already noted, a balance of humidity is required. Too much humidity can be a matter of concern. With the use of hygrometer, you can check the humidity level of a room and if it is more than necessary just switch off the humidifier.

7. Replace the worn out humidifier

Old and worn out humidifier may have cracks that can store bacteria despite all precautions. Old humidifiers can build up mineral deposits that are difficult to remove. To ensure the safety of your family don’t keep on using old humidifiers. This little investment for the safety of your loved ones can save you from a lot of trouble.

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8. Store the humidifier properly

You don’t need humidifier all year round. Before storing it make sure it is clean and dry. Throw away the temporary parts like filter or cartridge. Clean its tank with bleach or vinegar and dry it well before storing it for future use.

The humidifier is a handy device that makes living conditions better for us, but it can rather be a threat if not used properly. It requires a substantial amount of time and effort to keep the humidifiers clean but keeping in mind its benefits it certainly worth it.

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